Unfortunately, our fearless leaders had only one thing on their mind - demise of superpower opponent, and opening of potentially huge market. Once more a money and narrowly focused policy created more problems than it solved. As far as I am concerned, I would rather deal with communist Russia that Russia which is out of control. Roadmap to democracy and free markets which works for a small country can not be applied to country like Russia. As a matter of fact, I think that the slow and painful road taken in China is safer to the world order than whats happening in Russia ( at least you know who is in control
Donald__A ( @Poorboys ) ID#26793:
*"We need hard times for national therapy. The sooner the better; or we will end up in decline no different than what happened to Rome."*
The veterans of World War I were about to show how late it was. Thousands of them, under a Congressional Act of 1932, had $50 or $100 coming to them under a provision for adjusted service pay. The money, however, would not be paid until 1945. But in 1932 $50 or $100 seemed a fortune, meant the difference between eating and not eating if only for a matter of weeks.
For many of the influential did not realize the humiliation of the depression, a humiliation particularly marked in those who had once been hailed as heroes and told that they had made the world safe for democracy. They had saved their country, the veterans said, and what had they got?
Evictions, joblessness, hunger, sickness, sometimes lack of shelter save for Hoovervilles ( named by the jobless in honor of President Hoover ) . The call for the march had scarcely been issued when veterans who wouldnt have known a Communist from a Mohammedan began their remarkable trek to Washington.
And always they carried their bitter signs, Heroes in 1917 - Bums in 1932 and We Fought for Democracy - Where Is It.
They must be turned back, declared General Pelham Glassford, chief of police of Washington, D.C. By June there were more than 20,000 veterans in Washington, streaming through the corridors of Congress, buttonholing Representatives and Senators, demanding that a bill be passed granting them their money now, not thirteen years from 1932.
President Hoover, who had not acted effectively during almost three years of depression, now acted with dispatch. He called out the United States Army against the former members of the United States Army, their wives, and children. General Douglas MacArther, Chief of Staff who was to command this assault against Americans, was joined by Colonel Dwight D. Eisenhower and Major George O. Patton.
The troops were drawn up in Pennsylvania Avenue when General MacArthur and Colonel Eisenhower arrived at about 4 p.m. Some of the bonus marchers were barricaded at Third Street, where there was a shanty village of veterans, and it was decided to oust them before advancing to the Battle of Anacostia Flats.
As the cavalrymen, swinging their sabres, cleared the barricade, infantrymen, gas masks on their faces, advanced on the pathetic, makeshift group of packing-box huts, the women and children running shrieking before their countrys soldiers who lobbed tear gas bombs after them.
The mob was a bad-looking one General MacArthur continued. It was on marked by signs of revolution. The gentleness and consideration with which they had been treated they had mistaken for weakness
The World War I veterans fled their government and its army. They had exercised their constitutional right of petitioning Congress, and the army in which they had proudly fought had been turned against them; their own army in battle dress had attacked their wives and children. President Hoover issued a proud and ringing statement A challenge to the authority of the United States has been met swiftly and firmly, he said. After months of patient indulgence, the government met overt lawlessness as it always must be met....The first obligation of my office is to uphold and defend the Constitution and the authority of the law. This I propose always to do
February 1933, Hoover still in office, runs on banks, bank failures, and bank closings in state after state had brought the financial system of the country to a virtual standstill. Money was disappearing. Wages could not be paid. Purchases could not be made. Food could not be bought. Checks were not honored. Vast crowds, ruined by the bank closings, clamored, wept, and rioted before silent, vacant savings institutions in every large city, their life savings gone they knew not where.
March 04 1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt was sworn in as the new President of the USofA.
Paraphrasing: an Army SF sergeant said those ( the citizens ) are the people we're sworn to protect. Without hesitation he added that he would turn his weapon on the ones who issued the orders.
However, what would happen when push comes to shove?
My guess is "they" would have the more duty-minded off on some UN escapade.
Your interpretation of Anglo's diversification is indeed correct. They, Anglo/Minorco, have established an office in Perth in Western Asutralia during the last two months. As you know, Australian stocks are "cheap" with large exploration/mining upside.
A common practice of most Australian exploration/mining companies has been to establish resources/reserves to 50 metres depth. Early days.
Aye, Haggis
Aye, Haggis
How about yourself?
and there goes gold............glug, glug, glug...the beat goes on.
away...to the flight to quality
Financiers brace for fresh crisis over Korea
After 15 years the bulls are looking for a break
Commodities Boom a matter of time
200 Indonesian companies face $US debt woes
Big Americans take shine to Australian gold
Cashed-up firms swoop on Asia
The mad musings of Lyndon Larouche 27th Dec 97
( Some interesting stuff perhaps? )
Britain's Maastricht Stranglehold on Europe -
EIR: Lyn, what's the view from Europe, of U.S.-European relations?
LYNDON LAROUCHE: Bad. The worst problem, of course, is the
British, have lined up Europe -- most of it -- from Greece, to most of
Western Europe, against the United States.
One of the biggest problems that the President of the United States
has, and his administration, is, the British are our enemy. And they're
manipulating the U.S. government itself, which is trying to resist them,
by an old diplomatic technique.
See, the British game is: The British let you think that you are
managing them; you're controlling them. And they set out a group of
levers, which you can discover, which are put there, by them, for your
edification. Now, you presume that the way to handle the Brits is the
following way. So, therefore, you think that you're handling the Brits,
because you're using these levers. But the Brits set these levers out
there, to lure you into believing, that by pushing these levers, you are
controlling them.
Actually, by your relying upon these levers, they are controlling you.
EIR: That's fascinating.
LYNDON LAROUCHE: So, that's one of the big problems here.
The British are running the entire continental European operation
against the United States, and, I don't think the White House grasps
that yet. They don't understand how that works. I've dealt with this
problem for decades, and therefore, as an historian and economist, I
think I have a better grasp of how it works. I've studied the animal for
a long time.
But the other part, of course, is Maastricht. Take the history of
Maastricht: Go back to 1989. George Bush was President
( unfortunately ) ; Margaret Thatcher was still screeching, like a parrot --
a drunken parrot, on LSD -- from her pinnacle in London. And a
British agent was still residing as the President of France: Francois
So, as the Fall of 1989 approached, and it was obvious that the
German side, and other sides of the Soviet empire were beginning to
crumble, that the British set up a scream, the Thatcher government set
up a scream, called ``Fourth Reich'': that Germany was going to be
unified, that Germany's economic power, as a reunified nation,
oriented toward rebuilding the former Soviet region of the world,
would make it a great power; and the British couldn't stand for that.
So, you had, in Mitterrand ( who was not only a British agent, but a
French revanchiste of the most contemptible type ) , was an enthusiast.
So he said, ``No. We're not going to allow Germany to be reunified.''
Initially, Bush was going to go along with this, but then, Bush was
advised by a couple of people, advisers of his, that this was idiocy.
So, as a result, they came up with a compromise solution: They would
impose upon Germany, its own crippling itself. That Germany would
agree to destroy and cripple its economy; not to develop the eastern
part of Germany, if it got it, and would generally accept conditions
which would ensure that Germany would be -- the D-mark would
virtually be nonexistent, and Germany would not an independent
economic power, but simply part of a zoo, a continental zoo, managed
by the zoo-keeper, who was outside the system, in London, running
the European system, from the outside. The way British always ran
balance of power in Europe.
This became the Maastricht Treaty. Imposed nominally by Mitterrand,
as one of his outgoing acts, so to speak, upon Germany.
And the Germans have submitted to it.
Now, the result of that, was a change in the social composition of the
German political class. That is, that by destroying German industry,
and German science -- the German machine-tool sector, in particular,
by exporting German industry; German products aren't as good as
they used to be, because of outsourcing. And because there's less
machine-tool input. For example, the former German aerospace,
which had one of the finest machine-tool capabilities in the world,
back in 1988-89, virtually nonexistent, in terms of that quality of
machine-tool capability, today. They dissolved it.
Whole industries are disappearing. What's left of Germany's steel
industry has just been consolidated into, financially, one firm.
- Britain Turned Europe into an Enemy of the U.S. -
EIR: You're listening to ``EIR Talks.'' This is Tony Papert.
When we paused for a commercial, Lyndon LaRouche was describing
how Britain had organized continental Europe against the United
States, through Maastricht.
LYNDON LAROUCHE: Well, as a result of the changes in economy,
you change the economic power, and therefore, the political
correlation of forces within the establishment. That is, the interests
which formerly represented the activities of Germany's high-tech
agro-industrial sector, were undermined. Science was undermined.
The influence of science, which meant the influence of rationality, was
undermined. That the employment -- the people, who were skilled
people, were downgraded -- those who represented that.
And you had a new kind of ``New Age,'' or post-modernist
sentimentality, which was fanatically pro-British, which tended to take
over in France, where the Socialist Party is the most pro-British
faction in France: Mitterrand's Socialist Party. That apparatus. There
are exceptions within the party, but, generally, the party is pretty much
an evil mess.
Germany: Probably over half of the German parliamentarians are,
more or less, fanatically pro-British. Some parties, particularly, to the
last man ( or whatever it is there ) , is that. And so forth.
So, Europe, then, became more a financier-run section of the world,
as opposed to an industry-driven source, part of the world. In other
words, the industries, the industrial activity, things we think of, in
terms of technology and production, had less and less influence on
German perception of self-interest, and purely financial, speculative
kinds of things became predominant.
Under these conditions, Europe became an enemy of the United
States. German relations with the United States could not have been
worse, in the past couple of years, even though Clinton, in his first
administration, took very strong efforts to build a good cooperation
with Germany, as a special relationship with Germany, particularly
with respect to the problems of Eastern Europe, and so forth, and
cooperation in those areas. But Kohl rejected it, and stood with the
Now, there are some people who don't understand, that the British
manage Europe. You know, there are some people, who are taken in
by the British saying, ``Oh, we're not part of that. We have our
quarrels with these fellows.'' But they're running it! They're running
France. They effectively are controlling Germany. They're sitting on
Italy. The Dutch are with 'em. The Belgians are generally with 'em.
So, who is not?
And this has been the Clinton administration's biggest problem: Is the
fact that Europe, under British direction, has ganged up against the
United States, as was the case at the Denver Summit, this year.
When Blair led the Europeans in an absolute -- something out of Alice
in Wonderland: The Mad Hatter's Tea Party, was thrown in the face
of President Clinton. On his own territory!
By these nuts!
Recently, I think, because the situation is so bad, that Waigel, the
finance minister of Germany, came to Washington, and, of course,
lined up with the United States, in a concert agreement against Michel
Camdessus, the director of the IMF.
But these relations are very bad. One would hope they can be
improved, but one has to appreciate, that, you know, Clinton may
actually be, in net performance, when you consider the problems he's
up against, probably the best-performing President since Kennedy.
That may seem ridiculous, until you know what the problems are.
And the fact that we have virtually no allies. Japan was virtually not
speaking to the United States, up until recently. They were on the
other side! The British side. The Europeans were against the United
States, especially in the past several years.
And then we had all the problems here.
So, when you consider the problems the President faces, his
performance is really not that bad, at least relative to anything we've
seen since Kennedy, when you consider what the odds are, he's up
And this thing should be better understood.
Patriots of the United States should understand what our problems
are, as a nation, and just don't poke the dirty finger at the President,
every time -- every time you don't like something!
- Royal Smear Job against America -
EIR: Do you have more to report on the British world propaganda
campaign against the United States?
LYNDON LAROUCHE: Well, for example, I get it all over the world.
For example: people will say the IMF policies, are U.S. policy.
Well, it's not true! Absolutely not true!
Why do people say that? Because the British say so.
So, you'll have people, in countries all over the world, saying, ``The
United States is the biggest ogre, behind this; behind this; behind this;
behind this.''
All not true!
The British run international terrorism, top-down. Plain fact! The
control of ``Islamic terrorism,'' so-called, is out of London. And it's
not something snuck in there. It's not something they didn't notice!
The British Crown, at the highest level, has publicly stated, in
Parliament, that its policy is to harbor these terrorists organizations --
which are on the U.S. list as the worst in the world.
That kind of problem.
But people will say, ``No! The United States is the terrible ogre!
Yeah, Britain, yeah ... But Britain working with the United States''; on
policies, where the United States government, to my knowledge, is
opposed, is fighting against the IMF.
And someone will say, the IMF is the instrument of the U.S.
And what infuriates me, is that the U.S. government, which knows
these facts, does not come out and say publicly: ``No. This is not us.''
We have a reporter ask a question at the State Department, or at the
White House press conference, saying: ``What's this about the British?
People say that the United States is behind this, and behind this. What
do you have to say in this?'' And this guy should say, ``No. This is an
absolute lie. We hear it ourselves, all over the place. But anybody who
knows the situation, knows it's a lie. We have quarrels with these
fellows. We're not with their policy.''
And people ought to see this, with the case of Michel Camdessus, who
has demanded this huge bail-out fund. And Waigel was brought over
from Germany, for one of the first acts of actually cooperation
between Germany and the United States, in some time, to agree to
stand fast against Camdessus and the IMF policy. The U.S. Treasury
is not for the IMF policy. The U.S. Treasury is not for that crazy
bail-out policy. And Rubin has made it very clear, as chief Treasury
spokesman, and others have made it clear.
But nonetheless, this keeps going on, and on, and on: people saying,
``The United States is doing this; the United States is doing that'' --
and the United States is not doing it.
But unfortunately, for some reason of policy, the U.S. government
doesn't defend itself against these lies.
- Revolt against London, the Terrorist Asylum -
EIR: Lyn, the Egyptian government has been waging a very
widespread campaign to try to force London to cease its support for
terrorism, to extradite the terrorists there. Can you tell us more about
LYNDON LAROUCHE: Ah! This is not an Egyptian operation,
though Egypt is playing a key part in this. If you look at several
conferences, which have been going on, involving groups, official
groups, and other interest groups, from Islamic countries, or nominally
Islamic countries: You'll find that the same policies, which Egypt is
presenting, in its attacks on Britain, are coming out of the conference
in Teheran; they're coming out of these other Islamic group
conferences. Mahathir, in Southeast Asia, is a spokesman for leading
forces, throughout all of Southeast Asia ( which, in effect, include the
King of Thailand! ) , attacking these policies.
You had a denunciation of terrorism, coming out of the Teheran
conference, as a resolution of Islamic countries. Other Islamic groups
doing that.
What you're seeing, is that a group of Islamic people, leaders, of
government, and related institutions, who would normally be
considered as Islamic moderates ( that is, these are not the
pro-terrorist, etc., etc., types of people; they're not wild-eyed leftists;
they're middle-of-the-road statesmen ) , are joined in the same policy,
which Mubarak is expressing. So, Mubarak is not speaking as a lone
voice: He is speaking for a whole part of the world population,
totalling up, in influence, to about 1 billion people; so, it's not to be
[commercial break]
EIR: This is ``EIR Talks.'' We're on the line with Lyndon LaRouche.
When we were interrupted by a commercial, he was describing how
Islamic moderates worldwide, are rising up against London and its
LYNDON LAROUCHE: For example, the resolution on terrorism,
that came out of these conferences, this past week: You'll find, it's the
same line as Mubarak. Mubarak is not alone.
This is a general revolt, against the IMF and the British policy. You
see this reflected in patriotic sentiments, coming out of East Asia and
Southeast Asia. The resistance to the IMF, which is getting tougher by
the day, saying, ``This is a bunch of bloodsuckers, that should go
away, and not bother us any more.'' And it's this conflict, which brings
all these forces together, saying, ``We've got to get some clout,''
working together. These are forces, which, to a large degree, have
important relations with China, either directly or indirectly. And these
forces are coalescing. And they're using the theme of Islam, and,
essentially, politically moderate Islam -- that is, they're not leftist
utopians. But they're using Islam as a fulcrum, to bring themselves
together, to be a united force, on issues.
And when they feel strong, they tell the truth. And when they feel
strong, and tell the truth, they say: The British are behind international
terrorism, including the Luxor incident. And the British Crown is
directly, wittingly responsible for these terrorist acts. And they say,
they must be brought to heel.
It's a very important symptom. It's not the whole story, but it's a
But one must look to the larger picture, not just look at Egypt.
- Toward a New Bretton Woods Agreement -
EIR: Lyn, Michel Camdessus, the managing director of the IMF is
about to, is shortly going to come to the U.S. to appeal to the
Congress for an increase in America's IMF quota. What's going to
LYNDON LAROUCHE: Well, I think Rubin and company will make
the deal, which they settled with Theo Waigel, the finance minister of
Germany, stick.
I think the time for Michel Camdessus to retire, and for the IMF to
become more modest, in its voice, has come.
The IMF is bankrupt. It's funded by governments, of course, and
therefore, it does not appear to be bankrupt, but, in a sense, it's
bankrupt. It's like a disease, you know; we don't need it any more.
We need a complete replacement for what the IMF, in its present
form, represents. We do need the kind of Bretton Woods agreement,
which was destroyed, back in 1971. We need a restoration of that
kind of an agreement, for a cooperative system of regulation, of a
system of fixed parities, or relatively fixed parities, limited
convertibility, exchange controls, with that, capital controls; and the
general fostering of world trade and low-interest-rate borrowing, on
long term, for fruitful programs of economic development, which are
mutually beneficial, both to individual nations, and to their trading
Silver, XAU & HUI at GOLD-EAGLE Intra-Day Charts webpage. Also, shown are
30-year T-Bond and Crude Oil prices, in addition to the "Paper" Indices ( DOW, S&P, NASDAQ & Utilities:
The President was returning to the White House last week after Xmas shopping.He had a pig under each arm & met one of his secret service agents. The agent called out " those are fine looking pigs Sir". Clinton replied "these are'nt just ordinary pigs, they're Arkansas razorbacks, I got one for Hillary & one for Chelsea". The agent replied "that was a damn good trade Sir".
Actually I lke Clinton & think most Canadians do. I remember when he was up here a few years ago. There was a picture of him,in our local newspaper, driving one of our new high speed ferries, in his shirt sleeves, with one hand on the steering wheel & a bud in the other. I remember thinking to myself, now there's a guy who likes to have fun. Despite his weaknesses & foibles his humanity shines through. Unlike some of his predecessors, I can't imagine him unleashing weapons of mass destruction on innocent civilians.
out & fruit trees blossoming. How's the weather on your island?
Gold: Fell 15,011 ounces to 489,158
Silver: Tumbled 798,822 ( ! ) to 109,891,198 -- A new 13-year low.
It's been more than a week now that Silver is closing above the psychological "600" level. This is very significant. This is no time to spend time calculating downside corrections... Today's action was extremely bullish once you look at what happened twice! ( or 3 times )
The only little negative for Silver right now is last week's statement from Puetz that he is bullish in Silver. But then again....even an "analyst" can get lucky once in a while no?
Sure, many of the posters don't stick to topic all the time; I doubt they would in any community. But there is no call to post bizarre and evil comments like this. Thanks.
When this thing blows it will be a destroyer of many lives, businesses, etc. IMHO opinion when this bad boy dies the physical purchases will skyrocket and people will simply erase existing supplies. I would rather have metal than paper. And I don't want to have to chase it.
Aside from the many fine pieces we all read and mention here I think one of the best analogies of late was the Skeptical Investor discussing the Titanic. Weird how the movie is now playing. ( big shiver ) Yikes!
The Nah it won't happen crowd will go as quick as the ship.
Gold's rebound with authority,
Although,not for the majority.
Will surprize like a grizzly,
Not just AnOtHeR fizzly.
Like the ( D ) OW that breaks in the wind,
So shall the papergods that dwell within.
When all's said and done,
And no story left unspun.
Buy the DOW,by the market,is the cry to the crowd,
From the tops of tall buildings,it could be heard,oh so loud.
While those who were shouting,were selling their wares,
Jim Bob and Sue,were in with no fears.
Happy New Year,my bonus, will that guarantee,
Ninety-Seven's been a blast,to that,we all agree.
But Ninety-Eight will be different,and we now must address,
As the paper keeps coming,and we're lost,we confess.
Lower YOUR expectations,say the gods to the minions,
As they clamor for direction,and fear true opinions.
From GoldBugs,and Realists,and those who predict their fate,
As gold's global value,will appreciate,in Ninety-Eight.
To where,and when,is speculation from the seers,
DOW 6000,Gold 360,Happy New Year,have some beers!!
I do not have a working knowledge of Tanzania, but I did live and work in Zambia for three years.
The most active Australian company in Tanzania is Resolute who are builting a 2Mt per annum plant at the Golden Pride gold project in northern central Tanzania, a 50:50 JV with Samax Resources Ltd. The overall length of the Golden Pride deposit extends over three kilometres and remains open along strike and at depth. Reserve, not resources, stand at 700,000 ounces.
The Tanzania gold fields are located in the Archaean Tanzanian Craton. No significant gold mining has taken place since the British left in the early 1960's. Areas of historical prooduction are: Migari, Buhemba, Kiabakari, Gelta, Sekenke, Lupa, and Mpanda. An outline of the geology and mineralisation can be sourced via "Regional Geology of Africa" by S W Petters, Springer Verlag, ISBN 3 540 54528 X.
Aye, Haggis
It depends on what part of the planet you are standing.
With respect to this Forum, it must be the US dollar, the dollar, the dollar................goes on and on, just like the FED printing presses.
Darkness is very soothing until you hit your shins on the furniture, or stand on unidentifiable squishy things. Is this how the US views the current crisis in Japan and Asia, or is it only a "glitch".
The US forms part of this planet, not it all. Then again, the US may well be "off this planet"!!
Aye, Haggis
The confab in New York underscores the seriousness of the Asian flu, and not the chicken variety either...
Remember the old adage; If you are a small borrower and you default, the lender owns you. Be smart. Borrow most of what the lender has, then YOU will OWN the lender...
Aye laddie you are coming on! However, one must always remember the chorus.............
The Traditional Scots Song for New Year
Auld Lang Syne
By Robert Burns 1756 to 1796
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days of auld lang syne!
For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.
And surely ye'll be your pint stowp,
And surely I'll be mine!
And we'll tak a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.
( Chorus )
We twa hae run about the braes;
And pou'd the gowans fine;
But we've wander'd mony a weary fit
Sin' auld lang syne.
( Chorus )
We twa hae paidl'd in the burn,
Frae morning sun till
It's less dated than "The Great Reckoning".
Watch out for those Luddites!!!
For a minute you had me worried! I thought that all Scots were "Saints".
I must confess the the Brits do things rather discreetly and quietly. You may wish to give the following a read:
1. The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers - Economic change and military conflict from 1500 to 2000: by Professor Paul Kennedy. Fortuna Press.
2, Big Boys' Rules - The SAS and the secret struggle against the IRA; by Mark Urban. Faber and Faber. ISBN 0 571 16809 4.
3. Phoenix, Policing the Shadows - the secret war against terrorism in Northern Ireland: by Jack Holland and Susan Phoenix. Coronet Books. ISBN 0 340 66635 8.
Happy reading.
Aye, Haggis
Concerning British corporate interests, you might find it of interest to:
1. Read up on "Tiny" Roland, ex-Chairman of Lonhro, and the history of Lonhro in Africa.
2. Read up on Rio Tinto, Bougainville in Papua New Guinea, and Sandline ( Rio Tintos' "private" army ) .......... situation still evolving.
Aye, Haggis
Thanks for your orientation. Not a simple issue. How do you get it sorted out?
I passed some comment a week or so ago that it appears, to an outsider, the your financial system is totally controlled by "external interests" via the FED and, with respect, it appears that your political system is like wise controlled by the same "external influences" - Rothchilds.
In Australia everyone of voting age, by law, has to vote. There are some checks and balances in the system to "keep the bast...s honest. It is by no means perfect, but at least the voting turn out is 95 to 100%, or else you are fined for not voting.
The system here is by no means perfect, as we still have severe external influences via London, but at least we give it a "fair go".
Aye, Haggis
Find out more about Kitco at info@kitco.com, or call 1-800-363-7053.
Copyright © 1996 Kitco Minerals & Metals Inc.
a free-fall like we have never seen before. The Asia flu will become
extremely contagious and the Dow will be brought to its knees. The wrath
of unsofisticated mutual fund rookies will PANIC and the fund managers
will face redemptions far beyond their expectations and limits of hedging! The derivitives market will unwind with default after default and then and only then will the truth of gold be told. The timeframe is
in my humble opinion near as Governments stuggle to find a cure for what
they dread the most,DEFLATION!