Farfel wrote:
However, the day rapidly approaches where they will be wrong in calling the new gold up-trend...and I can guarantee you that they will fail to recognize the turn in time to profit from it. Inevitably, they will give back at least 50% or more of their profits from the past several years"
Farfel -
Its called covering a short and going long. You are allowed to do that anytime you want. If a boat is sinking, do you stay on it?
Now, onto the PGMs:
Let me get this straight, from your last post on the subject, you are contending that palladium is not in short supply? Could you quote your source of that information? You compare a market in a cornering feeding frenzy ( silver 1980 ) , with a market in fundamental shortage. This is exactly the type of disingenuous logic you are wont to label everybody else with.
Soooooo, some facts:
According to Johnson Matthey, palladium usage increased in 1997. American and Japanese auto manufacturers are substituting platinum for palladium and moving away from palladium altogether. You assert the are Huge supplies stockpiled by American companies? Which ones? How much do they have? At what price? When will they need to buy more? What is the cost to carry this enormous inventory? Most importantly, where did they get it, since so many others seem to be having such trouble getting what they need? These are fundamental questions and could use some examination before you publicly announce on this forum that PGMs are dead. In making that determination, it would be nice to be aware of at least some of these answers, yes?
You have posted more than once the Russians would dump PGMs, yet you fail to explain why they sold not one single ounce at the highest price in history. No have they sold one single ounce this year, during the longest and highest palladium rally of all time. If they need the cash, where are the sales? If they are manipulating this market, where are the profits of the metal they sold so high? From Russia, only silence. If they had it they would ship it. The metal does not exist.
( Personal supposition: I suspect last years shipments were finance and supplied by Tiger, with Tiger taking a healthy chunk-o-the profits. )
JM Reports that:
Production of platinum Jewelry jumped 75% in China in 1997. Global sales of platinum jewelry increased by 9% last year to 2.16 million troy ounces. Total platinum demand was up 4.8% to 5.2 million ounces, while supply was stable at 4.97 million ounces, a 230,000 ounce shortfall.
Palladium demand increase by 21% last year to a record 7.46 million ounces, leaving a 210,000 ounce deficit. Demand in 1997 increased by 1.31 million ounces, and has nearly doubled since 1990. Russia shipped almost 2 million ounces in 1990, compared with 5.6 million ounces in 1996, but shipments fell off by 800,000 ounces to 4.8 million in 1997. 2.75 million ounces delivered were supplemented by Russian stocks. ( read Tiger )
JM forecasts:
Platinum demand will grow by 2-3 percent this year with a volatile range of $370 -$450. Palladium demand will "rise substantially in 1998"
JM also reported that:
"This years forecast growth would see higher consumption in new jewelry markets - especially China - and advanced industrial applications outweighing lower sales to auto makers and Japanese jewelry manufacturers. Demand is likely to outstrip supply as neither South Africa nor Russian producers have the flexibility to increase platinum output short term"
"Russian platinum inventories, which have been used to support sales at levels well above production for the last four years, are believed to be low."
Please pay particular attention to the quotes. This is from Johnson Matthey, the worlds largest refiner of Platinum and palladium. I think these sources may be put at least at par with a cocktail party export guy, yes? Would it be wise to be aware of these facts before declaring to the world that PGMs are dead? On the word of a guy at a party? I think most here would look at the above, and choose these numbers as a more reasonable arguments in favor of PGMs, regardless of what your buddy says. I also think I understand you a whole lot better now.
For some further quotes on industry substitution from palladium to platinum:
HARDCASE - Norman Spinrad
Never heard of the guy. Got some titles? I will go to the bookstore posthaste. I will be going on a seven day cruise down the Mexican coast in 2 weeks and I will need a new book or two.
Badger -
Im looking to cover my gold shorts as close to 290 as I can.
Silver down before up. Basically, I dont have a clue now, nobody does.
PGMs volatile as hell, with palladium making new highs and platinum sharing in the gains. Im looking for at least a hundred dollars in platinum. My original goal was the first to second week in June. I can still see that happening, but It would not concern me were it to take a month or two longer, for I believe it will rise far and fast.
That is the definition of a short squeeze.
Ooooops, now everybody knows......
Rob -
That is a most excellent question. I think this may run its polite course and show one to have a working knowledge of these markets and another to be pounding at the keyboard. History and the gathered here can pass judgment.
I have yet to use cut and paste.
This is the neutron bomb of Kitco
Uh Huh
I fairly invented the rope a dope on this forum and have used it to some good effect, yes? The cool thing, is that I have to research all this stuff anyway, it is my job.
And, no. Im not tired.. or proud.
PS -
Where may the heated depths of the Merensky Reef be? For it is under those very reefs that PGMs are being mined underwater. You thought I forgot?
Is this a real place? Are the depths heated? Is the snorkeling good? What does Russell say about it? Are thongs to be viewed in and about these reefs?
These are the important questions
A short squeeze cannot happen in a market not in fundamental shortage.
There is more gold on earth that at any point in history
You do not boost confidence in your words when your words contradict reality.
mmmmmmMmmmmm. . . . just contemplating the PPT taking on the morning markets. Will they act? Will they hold the for? Or will it finally fall? It's the Anaconda market, see the A/D line in the recent link posted by SilverBaron ( poker players take note ) .
Also -
You disagreed vehemently with my post that gold would limp to 315 and fall to 280 by June.
I even posted this again better than a month ago.
It would seem to be pretty accurate, yes?
Also, also -
You called for gold to hit 330 very soon and argued loudly that it would not fall below 310.
Remember Cut and Paste.
You mean no thongs?
I won't go there
Platinum be damned
Thank you for the laugh, there have been few today.
Perhaps you could address some of the questions posed?
Perhaps your buddy knows.
Certainly more than the largest refiner of PGMs on earth.
He is one canny fellow
But since it is you proclamation I am responding to, it is you opinions I would like to hear. I am very interested in the thought process that goes into to publicly declaring that PGMs are dead. I feel I can learn something here. I am assuming you have other reasons than your friend's assertion. You may feel comfortable investing with those credentials, but most here are searching for something with a little more substance. Perhaps you have the answers to some of the dozen or so questions I posed about this market? Any one of which would seem to be a key piece of the puzzle in declaring PGMs dead.
I yearn for facts. Feed me.
You wrote:
"If a pure deflation slams commodities and forces liquidity crises upon the SA and Russian governments, then I would expect these governments will "find" Plat and Palladium in sufficient quantities to dump upon the markets and depress prices from current lofty levels."
Where will they find this metal? In the mines that are at capacity now?
What will cause this? And why would they wait until a crisis? Are the highest prices in history not enough of an incentive to sell? I am still confused about your reasons for believing this will happen. Has this ever happened in history? Are we charting brand new territory? Trailblazing seems a dangerous way to invest.
Seems awful iffy in the face of the most severe shortage of PGMs in history. Who knows, maybe you will get lucky. I dont need luck. Mathematics, economics, and the love of Jesus in my baby blue eyes, will stand me in good stead for this market.
Actually, my eyes are not blue... I stole that line from Clint Eastwood in , "the Guantlet" ( to that date, perhaps the loudest movie ever made )
Can we finish this discussion about PGMs before we move onto gold?
I am very interested in you reasons for declaring PGMs dead.
I am simply responding to your post earlier today
It raised questions in my mind
I am searching for answers
Can you help?
Now that last post seemed to get personal.
You made a statement here
An unequivocal one
I am interested in your reasons for this statement
And I am interested in your source of facts
Or are you now saying that you do not believe
We should "Look out below" in PGMs?
For if you are changing your mind, we may put this to rest because we are now in entire agreement regarding this matter.
If you still believe PGMs will fall
Could you explain your reasons?
I have yet to read anything that would be considered anything beyond supposition.
Or are there facts I am not aware of?
Are there facts you are not aware of?
Perhaps we could lay this to rest now
Again, you answer a question with a question. I have answered yours, yet you are silent on mine. Do you have information to back up your contention that PGMs are dead?
Perhaps you have not been following these markets close enough. I have gone into some detail about the mechanics of the current PGM market. That is right, you have been on vacation. How could you be expected to know what these markets are doing?
I am surprised you would even pose the question that if these metals are in such shortage, palladium fell ALL THE WAY TO $350 PER OUNCE!
Look out below.
Perhaps we could now get down to a serious discussion on your PGM Warning
I am eager.
Could you confirm that you will answer my queries?
Or will you let the facts stand as they are?
We entered into this discussion regarding your statement with a common desire to grow and learn. I'm am interested in which set of facts you used to declare that:
Date: Tue May 26 1998 15:09
farfel ( F*'s Evaluation of the Platinum/Palladium Markets... ) ID#340302:
...with Russia's equities markets falling into the toilet on almost a daily basis, then it will not be long before sheer desperation drives the Russians to offer Plat and Palladium for whatever price they can get.
Since nobody can afford to buy computers or cars in Asia, then there is the final nail in the coffin for Plat and Palladium.
Look Out Below!
You are right. It was foolish of me to read the word "dead" when faced with the statement, "the final nail in the coffin". My mistake. You did not say dead.
Now, about your reasons for the above, I am truly interested in your thought process.
They can afford 75% more platinum jewelry in China. Must be the rest of Aisa.. the big part, that you are referring to.
See my prior posts. Sorry there are a lot this eve, I'm trying to learn.
I am looking for at least $100 out of platinum in the next few months ( much sooner I think )
Palladium will make new highs but will fall to its historic levels after the industrial exodus out of palladium and back into platinum.
Farfel -
Even a high school debating coach wouldnt let you get away with your conduct in this debate. I ask specific questions, you change the subject. Could we complete this discussion? Do you believe PGMs will fall? Why?
These are reasonable questions to ask given the vehemence with which you speak of nails and coffins.
Or do you now believe that these metals are in shortage and VERY likely to go way up?
Please, lets settle this.
The figures I am using are only a couple weeks old. They take into full account the Asian situation. Demand in China has more than offset demand in the rest of Asia ( the big part, with all the people ) About this Swiss Guy..Did you meet him at a cocktail party?
I think we are all learning tonight.
Damn, I make it look easy
Farfel -
I posted the quote in its entirety.
Exactly as you did
You denied speaking of death
I guess in the strictest sense
That is true.
That you are now off to bed,
Does this mean you have changed your mind?
Or will you explain your facts?
I am still eager
If you are too tired this evening
We can continue tomorrow, yes?
My energy is boundless. Haven't you seen?
I thought this was a good time to converse
With a prominent member of this forum
People even ask him questions
However, when I ask
I get no answers
Can you spare any clients?
HST = Hunter S. Thompson
My favorite writer
Thanks for the titles, I will dig them up.
On Full Automatic
OK, good start
Lets proceed:
So PGMs are not in shortage? Where are they?
Why did the Russians not sell at the highest price in history?
Hey! Deja Vu! Weve had that question already tonight. No answer though.
Im patient.
You forgot to answer ALL of my questions.
We have time, I would like to learn.
Farfel wrote:
"I see no reason to categorize Plat and Palladium as anything other than mere commodities."
Again, this is a common misconception about PGMs and I am not surprised that you missed this:
The law REQUIRES you own PGMs.
There are NO substitutes.
Perhaps I have been sitting at this keyboard too long.
But I know of no laws requiring citizens to own gold or silver.
No indeedy
Unfortunately for your theory.
There are Zero facts to back it up
And I have posted abundant facts to dispute
It makes the largest refiner of PGMs in the world
Subordinate to your views
I am a searcher, and I am eager.
But I fell for the ploy, didnt I?
With no answers to my priors, you change the subject
Lets get back on track, shall we?
From where are you receiving you information on the Russian Cartel?
Can we verify this information anywhere.
Forgive this, but the first thing they taught me in interrogation school
Is that information is useless without knowing the source.
Perhaps you could share yours?
Now.....HST. The finest writer of our generation? Well......I like him too but that seems a stretch. There are too many good writers out there to call any ONE the best. I really liked the movie though. I was wondering how they were gonna pull it off. They did OK. Johnny Depp was great......but he usually is......uh huh.
Hey Cabin-Boy......you won't have time to read on that cruise. It's the fun ship remember. I was down a few months ago......great stuff. Say hi to 'Simi' the cocktail gal for me.....and to 'Naj' the pit boss. I was good to them.......cha-ching ( $ ) !
Now..........this Silver is starting to piss me off AGAIN. I went in a few months back and lost about $400 ( paultry compared to Lord John I know ) and I just went in AGAIN last week and am taking a right clobbering. Someone step in and stop the bleeding........please ( ? ) ..........oh...............my.................. ( ugh ) ....
Just showing that I am not a one note player
I think this evening was interesting, yes
I heard little, but learned a lot
As did we all
Nighty, night
This is a brand new ship, The Elation. Fits 2500 passengers. We will be on only the second voyage of the vessel thereby avoiding the dreaded MAIDEN VOYAGE! I think we go to Mazatlan, Puerta Valerta, and Cabo San Lucas, where I will swim and commune with the spotted Sea Lions of Cabo.
The topmost deck is designated adults only and is topless, so I will go topless. When in Rome and all that rot.
Remember, I am single now
Uh Huh
I need a pair of Predator 8 before the trip.
How low will she go? I will certainly be on the long end after this............big time. But that's when we'll probably get the 'big correction'.........when GSC said we'll be at 5000.......or was it 4000........eh george?
away.......to the archives
The Great PGM Debate this bright eve
Was the literary equivalent of politely gnawing on cartilage
Tasteless, unsatisfying, and definitely void of nutrition.
I am famished
And enjoy the smorgasbord.......... ( and I ain't talkin about the food ) ........ohmy.
Call me with your order........have you seen any good refractionists lately??
away.......to block-up the 8 bases
go gold..........
I am starting to buy big into October Plat........the bargains are appearing fastily ( new word ) ........ohmy.
LGB.....the time to leverage is now and in Plat and the train is pulling up to the station...... ( toot-toot! )
Smoke 'em if ya got 'em!!!!!
away...........to Octoberfest..........chugga-chugga........ ( toot-toot ) ( ! )
uying calls like candy......yup
With all these quotes by Johnson Matthey, I neglected Englehard ( second largest refiner of PGMs on earth )
This, from last week:
Ian McLean, a senior executive in commodities business at Engelhard Corporation, said in his speech that price rises were due only in part to Russian delays. "As we know, supply factors alone do not a price rise make. You also need demand. And demand for PGMs in industries around the world has never been greater." "I see it at Engelhard. I see it with Engelhard's customers. I see it everywhere, as industry's thirst for precious metals sharpens with widening consumption of jewelry, electronics, catalysts and soon, fuel cells.''
McLean noted that at current demand rates, producers could not keep pace with demand. "Assuming even a modest rate of growth in PGM consumption... say two percent... mining companies will have to sink a new 100,000-ounce mine every year just to keep up. And we know that's not likely to happen."
It would seem that the professionals are united. Remember, these sources are neutral, that is why people pay attention to them. They simply refine the stuff and sell it.
Thats it
From our perspective, the decision is an easy one on two fronts: A heavy gold position in EURO reserves means a strong currency, and that those gold reserves will appreciate considerably compared to current values. Conversely, a light backing will make for a weak EURO, and the gold reserves that are held will depreciate with the rest of the gold market. My thinking is that the Germans and French will ensure that it is a strong currency, if for no other reason to show themselves independant of the US dollar.
My sense about all the rumors of various percentage gold reserve holdings in the last couple months, is that they have been trial baloons to see just what effect they would have on the gold market. They will want to have enough gold to enjoy the benefits ( ?? ) of a strong currency, but at the same time not so much as to send the gold market up in a radical way, which would destabilize markets considerably. 25% gold reserves sounds about right.
I was looking for a leg up in precious metals right about now, with Indonesia looking better ( on the surface ) . Premature.
I think part of the problem with the commodity price index is the near ideal growing conditions in the US for some crops -- didn't catch which one. The question is -- will these near ideal conditions last all summer, or will we have heat wave/drought conditions later?
Perhaps all we are seeing is the effect of the last gold sale before EMU announcements -- Dutch? The central banks have to keep selling gold, or increase their loans if they wish to keep the gold bear intact. Also, the 'powers that be' cannot allow the US dollar to keep getting stronger, so sooner or later, it must fall. The long term forces that will allow gold to go up are gathering -- but my lesson learned is to wait for the technical shift -- put too much weight on the fundamentals.
If a US market bear is beginning, as some predict, there will be many Baby Boomers much more upset than us. And -- if the US market bear is of any significant duration -- as the Oldman says -- it will not be pretty. One thing I do know, the South American markets will go before the American markets. So - they merit watching.
Short-term - very oversold
Intermediate term - oversold, but still a little more to go on the downside before very oversold condition exists
Long term - falling from overbought - still 10% or so more drop before it meets the lower envelope
Looks like the May 27 turn came in right on his time target.
Full of holes, yes?
I must say that the Swiss story is old and moldy and has little to with recent drops in gold. I will cover shorts today. Perhaps keep just a bit? Oh yes.
Analyst Clif Droke forecast a major stock market decline, possibly of biblical proportions.
On Monday, May 26, the stock market as measured by the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 150 points from the previous close to finish at 8963.
Providing further psychological proof that a top is firmly in place
was the recent front cover of Newsweek magazine, featuring a
drawing of a bull in a wedding dress, with the headline: "Like it or
not, you're married to the market." Mainstream magazine covers
have historically provided excellent proxies as to the psychology
of the crowd, and ultra-bullish covers tend to accompany market
tops and precede turning points in the market.
Yet the market continues to fall in the
face of this bountiful liquidity-a sure sign of
an over-bought market that has simply
exhausted its upside potential.
Short sellers, get on your marks, get set
Analyst Droke's full report at following website. Remember to delete the extra letters "en" in the word "golden" of the URL before pasting it to your Internet locator.
I find it interesting that so far there is no concerted attempt to push gold down any more - at least so far today.
Any idea why the commodity price index has been dropping steadily? That worries me. Cry0 going below 200 would be a very bad sign. I'm hoping that it is bottoming. We need some input from D.A. -- he is bound to have something of value.
away.........to scratch hell outta me mind
These are just a few stories related to zee leetle gurl.....yup.
away...to wax my skiis for winter already......and it ain't summer yet.
go gold...
away......to sell the bejeeeeesus outta en
"When the 'tent' collapses
it will not be the 'center-post'
that goes first;
it will be the 'side-posts',
and even the 'stakes'.
For, as 'Asian Tigers'
shake, shudder, & quake:
The Asian Tigers - economies/nations, are the "stakes"...
and the increasing vulnerability, and reality, of Indonesia's turmoil,, S. Korea's spreading paralysis of labor unrest, and China's corruption and inevitable & looming devaluation...are all icing
on the rotting cake of Japan. We are witnessing the ( rotting ) fruits of fifty years of divorcing the dollar from gold convertibility. We have willingly looked the other way, for the more comfortable way out, while our elcted leaders, and power brokers/special interests behind the scenes, engineered, the burgeoning world economy, into a central-bank club of collusion and manipulation, exporting U.S. dollar hegemony/imperiaslism/dominance around the world.
Now the chickens are coming home to roost....and SQUAWK !...
first in SouthEast asian nations such as Indonesia and So. Korea
; soon to spread to obvious crises in Japan, Hong Kong & China.
Creating an artificial world economy, via a fractional reserve centralized banking system that legalizes counterfeiting money/wealth....out of thin air....and exporting such a cancer around the world....does not bode will for freedom, and civilized life.
It is not nice to fool ( -pretend to fool ) "mother-nature". The chickens are coming home to roost; and the eggs they are laying....will be rotten.
Date: Wed May 27 1998 11:59
D.A. ( little.bits.and.pieces ) ID#7568:
Copyright 1998 D.A./Kitco Inc. All rights reserved
I don't know if this will pass for insight, but it is at least a little info.
The action in gold overnight was linked to fund selling. The particular fund that did the selling is the same that is
now short to the tune of 50 million ounces of silver. Their gold short position is now also fully tanked up.
The last sentence in particular....... ( and poor Midas just got a chill up the spinage ) ......... ( brrrrrrrrr it's cooooooold ) .......never go too BIG.....or too small...... ( ! ) ....
D.A. - once again.......yu dam man ( ! ) ......now what do you say to a little wager..............280 ( ) ( ? ) ....... ( BIG wink ) .
AWAY...to search for excellence.....perhaps a trip to Yale................................ ( not ) .
Hillary Clinton Out of Control
The Hotline
Hillary Rodham Clinton on 5/26 was on the stump for Boxer, delivering "a fire-and-brimstone speech," charging that Boxer's GOP foes race are "against
democracy" and "must be beaten for the good of the country." As the "increasingly tight race" between Issa and Fong turned nasty, HRC "used strong
words of her" own to energize Boxer supporters. HRC "painted the Senate race as an apocalyptic fight between right and wrong, with conspiratorial
forces at work": "We're engaged in a great struggle over which way we're going in the 21st century." The luncheon fundraiser drew 600 people at
$250/plate ( Lubman, San Jose Mercury News, 5/27 ) .
Boxer also received support from HRC on a piece of legislation that could bring support from both child advocate and environmental groups. HRC, in an
elementary school appearance, endorsed Boxer's Children's Environmental Protection Act, which would ban pesticides in public schools ( Guthrie, San
Francisco Examiner, 5/27 ) . HRC talked about watching her nephew -- who is Boxer's grandson -- "chasing the President's dog, Buddy": "We're here
because of Zachary. You can't help but be reminded when you watch a toddler explore the world ... how much a part of the environment a child is"
( Hytha & Wildermuth, San Francisco Chronicle, 5/27 ) .
My guess is the collapse of the commodities markets is a major driving force behind the gold and silver bears of the last few weeks. Do you think the commodities price index is going to break through its 10 year lows? If so -- real bad for gold.
What would Oldman say at this point? Only that if we are to have a market bear, it will not be pretty, because there are alot of baby boomers who do not even know what a bear is.
Oldman -- I'd love to see what you think of the spoos now!
I think the best analogy is thinking about balancing an egg on a stick, or the juggler spinning the plate on a stick. It is possible to maintain an unstable system for a time, but the feedback control system must have infinite indurance, and be dynamically stable. If the feedback of the markets is altered, and the PPT does not know it, they may eventually push when they need to pull, or pull when they need to push. This fiat currency business also requires faith in the 'paper' to stand up, and the market business needs faith in the markets to stand up on top of that. Markets will alway require faith, but why compound the potential problem by requiring faith in the 'fiat' currency as well, and cause further instability?
Just a matter of time -- years -- perhaps -- before we repeat the deflationary events leading up to Sept 1929, where the US markets were the only ones standing for some time. And then they fell, too.
I e-mailed your question to the gentleman for an answer- and just received the mail-- ( by the way he came to us here for a visit! ) But:
"There are lots of charts I'd like to add, but right now, time prevents
me from doing to much more."
We all have the same problem. Time--time --time for the job, friends, family and....so on..the posting here in Kitcoland.
Have you found a site with a guaranty about this here big BOOM in silver?
and gold?
Tomorrow I will buy 'ONE' back, with both silver and gold in stock and in the ground.
http://www.sciencedaily.com/story.asp?filename=980522112901 --
this www. Below must be a restricted site. The ..dot net sites are not all closed..
I was thinking you might know about this one..the lower one on the same net.
psych.crime/ About suicidal psychiatrists
Studies have found that psychiatrists have the highest suicide rate
among physicians. And a 1994 survey of psychologists found almost
two-thirds had battled clinical depression- 96% 11124 bytes, 1997/12/06
( after I read some of your post's from the weekend I became enticed! )
RJ, you bastard, you! It so happens that my wife and I will be on the Elation, cruising down the Mexican Pacific Coast, between the 14th and the 21st of June. Do these happen to be the dates of your scheduled cruise as well? If so, I would love to meet you, perhaps even down a good dark porter with you. ( But don't worry, I wouldn't try to monopolize your time ) . Well, I would love to meet you, provided that you have cultivated a big enough heart to justify my associating myself with you! Hee. Hee.
Thank you..I finally have all three.
The one with the links is 'SUPER'!
I do use several good mining sites. The program I mentioned, delivers every trading day all the news on all the Can. stocks including the URL's of companies that have www. sites.
You know why I did not E-mail!
I am north of the chart----there.
By Miki Shimogori
TOKYO ( Reuters ) - More bad news hit
troubled banking sectors in Japan and Asia
Wednesday as Moody's Investors Service
reduced its closely watched credit ratings of
five top Japanese banks, including Bank of
Tokyo-Mitsubishi Ltd.
At the same time, Standard & Poor's said it
expected further deterioration in the financial
state of Asian banks in general.
Moody's, the leading U.S. credit agency, also
warned that it may lower ratings of four other
top Japanese banks, triggering sales of
banking stocks in the Tokyo stock market.
Besides Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, the others
downgraded by Moody's were Dai-Ichi Kangyo
Bank Ltd, Sakura Bank Ltd, Industrial Bank of
Japan Ltd and Sumitomo Bank Ltd.
Moody's also placed the credit ratings of the
Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan Ltd, Asahi
Bank Ltd, Fuji Bank Ltd and Tokai Bank Ltd
under review for possible downgrade.
The dollar briefly rose to around 138 yen and
Japanese government bond futures sagged in
Tokyo after the downgrades fueled worries
about Japan's already fragile financial sector,
cited as a main factor behind its prolonged
economic doldrums.
"These ( credit rating cuts ) may eventually
re-ignite concern about Japan's sovereign
debt rating as well," said a yen bond trader
for a trust bank's securities unit.
Moody's announcement came days after the
banks unveiled glum earnings results for the
business year that ended March 31. Ten of
Japan's biggest banks announced that they
lost a total of 1.29 trillion yen ( $9.3 billion ) in
the financial year due to massive disposals of
bad loans.
The Moody's announcement also coincided
with S&P's declaration that other banks in
Asia face further problems.
"Banks in Asia still have some further
deterioration and downside to go," Ken
McLay, director of S&P's Financial Institutions
Ratings Services, told a conference in
"We believe there will be minimum
profitability for banks in Southeast Asia as
there will be substantial deterioration in asset
quality," he said.
"S&P has most banks in Asia in the
speculative grade, in the BB category or
below, which factored in the weakening in
asset quality, reduced profitability and the
need for capital," McLay later told reporters.
Moody's cited some of the same problems in
downgrading the banks in Japan.
"The downgrades reflect concern that
Japanese banks are facing a third wave of
asset quality problems because of the
weakening domestic economy, on top of
existing problems resulting from the East
Asian crisis and the collapse of the bubble
economy," Moody's said in a statement.
Moody's said it believed that the combined
scale of the problems may overwhelm many
banks' internal resources and necessitate
substantial government help.
The problem of asset quality in the banking
sector was a top priority issue that Prime
Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto pledged to solve
at the summit of the Group of Eight this
month in Birmingham, England.
Japan's government bit the bullet on the
banking crisis in February by allowing the use
of up to 30 trillion yen ( $217 billion ) of public
money to boost banking capital and to
protect depositors.
But Moody's cast doubts on the financial
authorities' ability to settle the long-running
headache, saying it doubts if the authorities
can make "material progress" on the issue,
given their inability so far to carry out any
major action to decisively resolve the problem
of insolvent banks.
Alas, I will sail between June 7 - June 14. I will tip the porter extra to make sure the suite is spotless for you. It is a shame. The owner of my company will be along as well as the main representative of the Austrian Mint. This will give me ample opportunity to get a good feel for the European gold market from the dominant gold seller in Europe.
So after I spend and hour or so doing that, I will swim and eat and dance and sun and fun with the beautiful people of the world. I know you are one of these, but you will be in the next group of beautiful people.
See ya.
I wonder if you remember that I answered your question about the 'bremen' site 3-4 weeks ago?
That site really has the answer to your 19:58 question too.
Never in my long life has any lawyer made money off or on me. This fact alone should put me on the side of "Law & Justice & Order". But than, my compassion for all underdogs, would force me to take your side on some issues, despite being a conservative creature.
As far as the Vest goes:
"with a 'vest' like this developed for "INVEST" I would not mind riding on a donkey".
Even this donky is again related to and with gagnrad' mule. You get it?
all,incl.url's relate to gagnrad's post's!
So in, no way am I advertising for the 'Vest', but rather? for...
taking life easy and having some fun.
At the same time, my heart and my sympathy go to all those fine boys that have lost a lot of money in this tuff ( like from volcanic ) game of "GOLD&SILVER". ( not to many here at Kitco are in the other P.M.s. )
Kiwi -- Re: 'Breaking the link between gold and SWFR' is a formality only, as the link was broken years ago. So that is talk too.
Jack -- I think there are several reasons the Swiss are 'talking down gold'. The first is the one mentioned today by sharefin and others -- namely, fear of world financial conflagration. A second is that the Swiss can ill afford to have their currency skyrocket up, megnetically attracting 'fiat' currencies from every nook and cranny of the world. If they do this, how do they sell goods and services to others, unless the Swiss firms in question are international? ( ie do business like the Japanese ) . By the way, the Swiss are smart enough to figure this out, and their multinational companies such as Nestle and Ciba-Geigy will do well no matter how strong the Swiss Frank is. But theire economy is not fully diversified, and they are just coming out of a recession. A third reason is that the younger Western ( fiat ) educated Swiss bankers probably believe that gold is a useless relic. But not the average Swiss citizen, who can vote down any attempts to sell gold.
So -- a little more Swiss talk about gold sales and decoupling the Swiss Frank to talk gold down one more time. This period of weak Gold won't last much longer, unless we have more serial worldwide deflations -- outside the US. How about the Chinese Yuan -- when do the Communist Chinese pull the plug?
If this crisis cannot be resolved promptly ( I don't have a clue how ) -- we will have a Russian revolution. This may appear relatively unimpressive on the outside looking in, but to me the thought is very disturbing because of the likely government that will form. It will not be democratic, ( or 'idyllic' New World Order ) , and it will not be Communistic, either -- mozel can fill in these broad brush strokes better than I. Perhaps the Fatima prophesies are coming true.
Similar things could happen later in Japan and possibly South Korea.
And -- the so-called New World Order is really a bystander, acting only through the IMF -- which is capable only of helping basically financially sound banks get back on their feet. The IMF only gets in the way in crises like the ones we are having all over the world. Communism -- as practiced in Russia - is dead. But that is not the only economic form that is dying on the vine.
We regretfully must consider the possibility that we ( the world ) are seeing the seeds of the next world military crises forming slowly infront of our very eyes, and little is being done to prevent the inevitable. What I am referring to may take 10-15 years to evolve -- and I hope I am wrong.
Deflationary news certainly can heat up the equity markets -- if it is the right kind of news. But what is going to happen to the US equity markets when the CRB/JCI really bottoms out and heads back up?
First -- ElNino induced forrest fires in Mexico and S America spreading to Florida -- crop failures here or elsewhere later in the year.
Second -- reduced trade from SEAsia will mean less future deflationary effects until SEAsia recovers. Not soon.
Third -- many potential world hotspots heating up -- all could cause oil prices to skyrocket.
Forth -- Perhaps much of the commodities drop was hedge fund selling -- due to incorrectly perceived deflation.
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