Best regards,
Another point, not all can move in/out of the market as fast as some here can. 1 ) They need to hear information 2 ) They need to react 3 ) They need to convince spouse of wisdom of such a move ( can be a big slowdown ) 4 ) They need to get liquid 5 ) They need to reach the broker ( Can also be slow ) . So even though the "Smart money" is in, or out, if it is a breakout, the wave, even if convinced won't necessarily show up all at once, or so I believe. Personally, I am already fully long PM's up to my limit. Since I don't know when the rocket will take off, it's better for me to be early than late. If it never takes off, well, an oz could have bought me a suit when I bought it, and it will probably buy me a suit when I sell it. No profit, maybe slight loss, but not severe loss of capital, which I don't think has really crossed the minds of many of those buying at 9000 plus DOW. watch CrystalBalled aol puts take a right beating.......ouch : (
I know that our ancestors went thrue this and had a lot of children but...
I found on..
I just learned that my survival food supplier has added another month to estimated delivery times ( times are based on their experience i.e. orders shipped today took 4 months from date ordered ) . They blame it on ( amongst other things ) , institutional ordering. It also seems somewhat strange because the additional month was tacked on, only after 1 month of additional order/shipping experience on their part. I would bet that the little guy ( looking in mirror ) , is getting the ol' priority shuffle from some of these suppliers.
Seems to me like the.... Gold Price Story MANIPULATION!
Well.. Ok I think, lets kick some contingency planning into gear.
"Oh yes sir. We are so sorry. VISA is down".
On Track: What These Words Mean?.............
Well I am better to cut some wood extra just in case!
More significantly it has TWO dashes through it,
i.e. a gold backed dollar has TWO slashes non-backed dollar does not.
A gold backed, fixed, pegged, f@#$ed euro ( call it what you like ) will blow the dollar out of the water from the get go....maximum impact, suprise. Euros have been badmouthing and selling down gold for so long and then WHAM!
Any thoughts?
But it was refreshing to see someone doing their job and explaining how and why they did it. With PRIDE.
Don't know about the 300 point drop tomorrow. If so, there are many other reasons.
Depending on the severity of the 'problem', will he;
1 ) Cruise missile another aspirin factory.
2 ) Come to Mass. for a 'vacation'.
3 ) Kick some butt in in Iraq.
4 ) Ask Monica out.
5 ) Hire Ken Starr as his defense attorney.
6 ) None of the above, because nothing will happen to him?
Now, once upon a time, this would be cause for a stock market decline and a rise in gold. But, those were the days my friend when we'd fight and never lose......
The lyrics to, "Those were the days..."
The lyrics to, "Those were the days..."
Funny, gold seems to be up tonight. Options related perhaps?
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