However my word Abc a noun : statement of the facts still works
And although I can not use any of the words you or Silverbaron mentioned, I can point out the word ABCEDARIAN as in:
A poem having verses beginning with the successive letters of the alphabet.
1. An imperative language and programming environment from CWI, Netherlands. It
is interactive, structured, high-level, and easy to learn and use. It is a general-purpose
language which you might use instead of BASIC, Pascal or AWK. It is not a
systems-programming language but is good for teaching or prototyping.
ABC has only five data types that can easily be combined; strong typing, yet without
declarations; data limited only by memory; refinements to support top-down
programming; nesting by indentation. Programs are typically around a quarter the size
of the equivalent Pascal or C program, and more readable.
ABC soil
noun a soil made up of three distinct layers, the A or top layer being humus and organic matter, the B
layer being clay and oxidized material, and the C layer being loose rock and mineral materials.
IF I can still get the prize, you can contact me at
Eventually the US markets will follow -- but not yet. We are following the 1929 script with variations. US last once again. But as I recall we fell harder when we finally fell.
I sold my funny money Mexican puts with a nice profit. Now I am wondering if I sold them too soon. I am way behind APH in these matters.
I am also surprised by the lackadaisical action of the precious metals markets to the Clinton impeachment trial and the EURO commission corruption fiasco. I think the use of gold as a proxy to support the US dollar has so gotten out of hand that all else pails in comparison. Now we can use gold price dips such as the one we just had to predict a financial collapse somewhere a few days or so later.
I think another aspect of what is happening is that more dominoes are falling in the deflationary cycle all over the world. We are repeating the 1929 scenario with minor variations in the script. Have you been to the Privateer site to see that the pice of gold is now going down in the Aussie dollar the Japanese yen, and the German mark? Now it seems that gold is looking relatively good only in the US dollar.
Competitive devaluations and trade wars here we come. And DOW 10,000 probably from flight to safety to the US before the US markets really tank. Maybe we are still working on the head of the head and shoulders in the US.
In a surprising departure from the brokerage community's neutral to bearish near-consensus on the future price of gold, Goldman Sachs' investment bank released its weekly FX report predicting that "the spot price of gold bullion is poised for an upside breakout." Part of the reason for such a prediction is their belief that the Australian dollar will rise sharply against the U.S. dollar, as it is close to breaking above a downward sloping trendline. A strengthening Aussie dollar will make Australian gold producers less eager to sell gold forward, as they will receive diminished U.S. dollar returns. If nothing else, this report should debunk the absurd conspiracy theory popular on several recent precious metals chat sites that Goldman Sachs, Robert Rubin, Alan Greenspan, and the Federal Reserve ( and the ECB, the IMF, Goldfinger, and/or Mickey Mouse, et al ) are "secretly" selling gold massively short in order to bring about a "new world order", to keep the U.S. dollar "afloat until Rubin resigns", to "provide a counterweight to the pending Y2K disaster", among the less absurd rumors I've seen in cyberspace. Don't forget that these chat sites are a primary reason that Yahoo got up to $445 per share. No intelligent person would believe that Goldman Sachs would sell gold short and simultaneously publicly proclaim an imminent upside breakout.
The foreign customers will have cheaper Brazilian goods -- at the expense of a lower standard of living in Brazil for most. My guess is that the US markets are benefitting from a deflationary 'flight to safety' from less stable markets -- which fits with the apparent resumption of the US equity rally. I would never have guessed how strong the US market mania is -- Eventually the US markets will wake up, however, and follow the deflationary dominos sweeping the world -- probably last! China and Europe next, IMHO. Trade wars and competitive devaluations coming up as well.
With regard to oil -- alot of oil producers will have to go offline before the price of oil will go up. Currently the competitive devaluations will reduce the worldwide price of oil. And -- as we learned after SEAsia, currency collapses tend to reduce demand for oil as well. Only a war would be able to price of Oil up in a hurry.
I always like reading your posts -- they show excellent insight!
Why is it that what China was praised for NOT doing throughout the Asian Crisis Brazil is now praised FOR doing? Remember everyone from Rubin to Greenspan to Clinton praising China for their heroism in not floating their currency?
Now, they have practically ordered Brazil to float theirs.
Latest charts and commentary up at The Privateer website.
Now, they have practically ordered Brazil to float theirs.
Latest charts and commentary up at The Privateer website.
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That is IT ! I might get kicked off the forum for this one. RANT ON: You commie pinko bastard. You dare take tax money OUT of my home in Appalachia, take it to Washington DC, turn around and send it to a bunch of jackasses in New York City to try to inspire them to come down and help us poor pitiful folks in the rural mountains ? You slimy piece of AHHHHHHHHHH. My town couldn't even get 300K$US together to build a much needed parking garage and your dumb ass is sending hundreds of millions of dollars to New York in the hopes that it'll some how end up back here. Enough already, it don't even pay to talk about it. RANT OFF.