USAGOLD Discussion - May 2006
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The best-kept secret in the investment world is this: "almost nothing turns out as expected" (Harry Browne)
More from Alejandro Llano, "Gnoselogy", Manila, Sinag-Tala Publishers, 2001:
p. 15
St Thomas
Quod sit veritas? (What is the Truth) in: De Veritate (On the Truth)
Veritas est adequatio rei et intellectus.
(Truth is adequation (equality) between the thing an the intellect)
two positive characteristics of this definition
1. it expresses the nature of truth formally
2. it extends to all the various meanings of the word truth
Withal, the implications of this definition can only be grasped if it is properly understood.
ens et verum convertuntur (being and truth can be converted)
The notion of truth adds something to being, but not something which is alien to it
- nothing can be added to being which is of a different nature from being
because every nature is essentially being
Truth adds something to being in that it expresses a formality - an aspect which is not expressed by the very name BEING: its internal intelligibility
- p.17 it adds the conformity of the thing and the intellect
What truth makes explicit about being is specifically the conformity (of the thing and the intellect) in which truth formally consists.
The adequatio must not be understood in a material or physical sense.
The conformity of truth is a cognitive conformity.
The eurocrats are eunuchs. They want to destroy Microsoft.
There seems however to be a political will to create a gold euro. Am I contradicting myself?
Why is everybody silent? Did we lose all orientation? Have we no more standards or value-scales according to which we could judge the value of gold? Nobody can answer the question what is the value of gold.
For a share in a company the answer is simple: what is the real (qualitative) profit of the company? This is then its value.
For gold, it is a "political" value which a whole world (thus not only the Brussels eunuchs � ough, I am not contradicting myself � more on non-contradiction later) would give to this universally exchangeable wealth. Is this gold at a fixed price or freely priced gold, freegold.
The debate which is being conducted about gold is similar to the 9/11 debate. A terror attack or self-inflicted atrocity? A big lie, whereas everybody could see how the three towers were �perpendicularly � imploding into each other. How many huge gold lies are circulating since decades?
Maybe the eurocrats are interested in truth after all?
Who told you the truth could be silenced forever?
By silencing the truth, the silencers force the people who are lied to to contradict themselves.
It's about time that this stops.
Screw the eurocrats!
Give TRUTH a chance!
A chance also, for heroes, like Bill Gates!